Gun Control Measures Advance

Yes, this is a few days old: Two controversial gun control proposals advanced to the full House Wednesday. On a partisan vote, the Democratic-controlled House Executive Committee approved a measure requiring handgun owners to register their weapons with the state. The...

The 99% Spring

It’s coming: From April 9-15 we will gather across America, 100,000 strong, in homes, places of worship, campuses and the streets to join together in the work of reclaiming our country.  We will organize trainings to: Tell the story of our economy: how we got...

Businesses Get the Old Yes No on the G-8/NATO Summits

Well which is it? Mayor Rahm Emanuel was asked Thursday whether businesses located within the inner-most security perimeter will have a process to recover lost profits incurred during the May 19-21 events at McCormick Place. “The [NATO and G-8] Host Committee is...

Beavers Indictment: Where’s Madigan?

So I understand that our unwanted and tried to be run out of town U.S. Attorney for Northern Illinois has indicted Old Man Beavers.  The feds are usually pretty good about putting their case together and have a 85-90% conviction rate.  So it’s safe to say that...

Beavers Indictment: Talking When Should be Quiet

Talk about passing the buck: Cook County Commissioner William Beavers, an old-school Chicago politician who likes to call himself “The Hog With the Big Nuts,” has been indicted on federal tax charges.  … But Beavers, 77, called the indictment “horse s— I’m...