Plastic Bulb Promises Better Quality Light

The new light source is called field-induced polymer electroluminescent Fipel technology. It is made from three layers of white-emitting polymer that contain a small volume of nanomaterials that glow when electric current is passed through them. The inventor of the...

A General Lack of Regard for Einstein’s Brain

There’s a story about Einstein’s brain over at the Washington Post.  It’s your basic nature vs. nurture about how this guy got to have this unique piece of gray matter between his ears. It appears quite a few Wash. Post readers don’t think much...

China To Build World’s Tallest Building In 90 Days

It all started simple enough. A 15-Story Hotel in just 6 days. Six days. That’s how long it took to build this level 9 Earthquake-resistant, sound-proofed, thermal-insulated 15-story hotel in Changsha, complete with everything, from the cabling to three-pane...

Everyone Wants a Drone – Zero Concern For Your Privacy

Are unmanned aircraft, known to have difficulty avoiding collisions, safe to use in America’s crowded airspace? And would their widespread use for surveillance result in unconstitutional invasions of privacy? via SFGate. Yes, and no seem like pretty...

Rise of Titan the World’s Fastest Supercomputer

After falling behind Asia and Europe in the great race, where success is measured in FLOPS floating-point operations per second, the US has struck back at the new high-tech Olympians with Titan: quite possibly the fastest supercomputer in the world.  … All of...