TSA Nude Body Scanners Don’t Work

Controversial nude body scanners used at U.S. airports have come under fire again – after a blogger claimed he could easily smuggle explosives through them onto a plane. Engineer Jonathan Corbett has published a video where he shows how he took a small metal...

Himalayan Glaciers Lost No Ice in 10 Years

The authors of the U.N.’s climate policy guide were red-faced two years ago when it was revealed that they had inaccurately forecast that the Himalayan glaciers would melt completely in 25 years, vanishing by the year 2035. Rajendra Pachauri, head of the U.N.’s...

Fermilab’s Tevatron Shutting Down

The Tevatron at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory will be shut down later this year after the Batavia-based lab failed to win additional funding from the Obama administration. Once the world’s largest atom smasher — technically, a proton-antiproton collider — the...

The Body Scan Scam

Let the dance begin.  Security gurus versus privacy rights advocates are starting the new year off with a very loud public argument on the use of millimeter wave body scans at U.S. airports.  The problem is that they’re not even debating the right question....