Obesity the Greatest Threat to National Security

?!  Really? At the link is a quick video of a promo for an upcoming Dr. Oz.  We should get something out of the way early; Dr. Oz (IMHO) is a complete quack and why the FLOTUS would go on such a show is beyond me.  It’s beneath her and the position she holds. ...

More Americans Can’t Afford Banks

In the aftermath of one of the worst recessions in history, more Americans have limited or no interaction with banks, instead relying on check cashers and payday lenders to manage their finances, according to a new federal report. Not only are these Americans more...

Obama’s Auntie

I really don’t know what to say about this. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHoAuk76fT8?rel=0]

The Rich Are Getting Poorer

Trouble for those “Tax the Rich!” folks: For the first time in history, rich people are actually getting poorer, and luxury retailers are freaking out about it.  … “Because these same consumers are significantly invested in their high-end...

Inner City Kids and a Catholic School

God Bless John Kass: When Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis led her members out on strike this week, she said real school would be closed. “Negotiations have been intense but productive,” she said. “However, we have failed to reach an...