Your in Debt, Your Children are in Debt

Tribune ran a great story this week about how the city is hopelessly in debt.  The story is worth reading and can be found here; but what’s really interesting is a chart (actually a series of charts) attached to the story.  Here’s what you need to know:...

Yes Virgina, People Flee High Taxes

The results of the 2010 Census are coming in and show: First, the great engine of growth in America is not the Northeast Megalopolis, which was growing faster than average in the mid-20th century, or California, which grew lustily in the succeeding half-century. It is...

Illinois, Worst for Retirement

The list, with Illinois leading the pack, comes from website According to John Brady, president of, the 10 states earn this dubious distinction largely because of three factors: fiscal health, taxation and climate. (Full story...

Little do to in Property Tax Battle?

In an article with technical problems over at the Sun-Times, Terry Savage writes under a headline, “Little you can do in property tax battle”: While home values are down, many homeowners are shocked by the increases in second-half-of-the year tax bills....

You Owe $11,647, & That’s Just for Pensions

Part 1 of 2 on just how completely broken the City’s pension system has become. Chicago’s public pension funds are teetering on the brink of insolvency in large part because city officials and union leaders repeatedly exploited the system, draining away billions...