A Few Thoughts On Gun Control « Eudaimonia

This will be detailed and thorough, and I apologize in advance for its length. I also need to clarify that I am not a statistician, lawyer, political analyst, or sociologist. I am merely curious, capable at finding information, and trained in scientific analysis. If...

Local Vet Vocal at Anti-Gun Rally

This is a local vet who had some interesting things to say to a professor who didn’t think the Constitution was relevant anymore. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7C44B55YYLQ] More to the story can be found here.

Gun Violence and Race

Chicago is home to some 2,707,120 people (U.S. Census.)  We’re also told that about 32.9% are black while 45% are white.  That equates to about 890,642 black people and 1,218,204 white people in Chicago.  So far, nothing unusual. Over at the Red Eye (a Tribune...

Held by Pirates for Nearly Three Years

After almost three years in captivity, the crew of the Iceberg 1, a cargo ship hijacked by Somali pirates, are home after finally being rescued.  … Its Dubai-based owner, who appears not to have been insured, refused to pay a ransom for it and simply went to...

Guns vs. McDonald’s

There are more than 129,817 federally licensed firearms dealers in the United States, according to the latest Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives numbers as of Aug. 1. Of those, 51,438 are retail gun stores, 7,356 are pawn shops and 61,562 are...