Double-irony from Al Gore & Current TV: It all starts with a story from The Atlantic Wire (A fairly left-leaning group:) Every once in a while a tweet appears that's so silly, it must be a joke. Like this one from Glenn Beck: "Before Al-Jazeera bought Current TV,...
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Mass Shooting: 3 Dead, 2 Wounded, in Switzerland
No assault weapon involved: A man armed with an old military rifle and a handgun shot and killed three women and wounded two men in a southern Swiss village, police said Thursday. Police shot and wounded the suspect after he threatened to also shoot officers who...
Shot vs. Shot & Killed – The Miracle of Modern Medicine
This post was originally drafted in April. Bare with me... very current story cited below. I've mentioned before that the shooting to death ratio appears very low to me. Crime stats over at Crime in Chicago suggest that in 2011 2,217 were shot, with 441 dead - 19.9%...