After falling behind Asia and Europe in the great race, where success is measured in FLOPS floating-point operations per second, the US has struck back at the new high-tech Olympians with Titan: quite possibly the fastest supercomputer in the world. ... All of that...
New Star Wars Film Coming In 2015
Uh, Star Wars geeks enthusiasts? Brace yourselves for a double whammy. One: Disney has purchased Lucasfilm for a whopping $4.05 billion (yes, with a "b"). Which brings us to two: Stars Wars Episode VII is not only happening, but it has a release date for sometime in...
Obama a Real Contributor to Subprime Loan Failures
President Barack Obama was a pioneering contributor to the national subprime real estate bubble, and roughly half of the 186 African-American clients in his landmark 1995 mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank have since gone bankrupt or received foreclosure...
Pension’s Rate of Return Plummets to 0.76%
This sounds like a problem: The pension fund for most public school teachers in Illinois generated just 0.76 percent in fiscal 2012, a big drop from the 23.6 percent rate of return in the previous fiscal year, the Teachers' Retirement System reported on Thursday. ......