
Student Denied Entry to Michelle Obama’s Speech

A conservative student was denied entry into a rally featuring First Lady Michelle Obama at the University of Florida on Wednesday because he was wearing a t-shirt in support of Republican John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) 2007 campaign for the White House.  ... A conservative...

Harvard vs. South Dakota Mine School

Which Grads make more? Harvard University’s graduates are earning less than those from the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology after a decade-long commodity bull market created shortages of workers as well as minerals. Those leaving the [SDSMT] college of...

Wealthy Donors Work to Improve Schools

The union and HuffPo object: Stand for Children is a non-profit education reform group advocating for the inclusion of standardized test scores in teacher evaluations, charter schools and decreased teacher union power. Over the past three years, the group's political...

Dark Energy Camera — Science Rocks!!

The highest-resolution camera ever built has begun its quest to pin down the mysterious stuff that makes up nearly three-quarters of our Universe. The Dark Energy Survey's 570-million-pixel camera will scan some 300 million galaxies in the coming five years. via BBC...