Rooting Out Bad Cop

by | May 2, 2012 | Crime, Politics

Cops are people.  Some are going to be trouble no matter how hard you try to keep them out.  However this is just nutty:

Of 441 police misconduct lawsuits that led to city payments between January 2009 and November 2011, nearly a third—or 145—involved the “repeaters,” shows a Reporter analysis of federal and state court records. This small group—140 in all—proved costly. Despite making up 1 percent of the police force, they accounted for more than a quarter—or $11.7 million—of all damage payments incurred from police misconduct lawsuits. The city defended a good number of those officers in additional cases as well; nearly a third of the 140 officers were named in at least five misconduct lawsuits since 2000.

via The Chicago Reporter.

Looks like our politicians need to stand-up to the police union on this one.  Bad cops are also bad for the good cops.  Give the whole department a reputation.  The goods ones don’t want the bad ones around.

Seems like a no brainer.

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