Liberals Love Arab News Propaganda

Double-irony from Al Gore & Current TV: It all starts with a story from The Atlantic Wire (A fairly left-leaning group:) Every once in a while a tweet appears that’s so silly, it must be a joke. Like this one from Glenn Beck: “Before Al-Jazeera bought...

Italian Court Jails Scientists for Failure to Predict Earthquake

Rarely since a Catholic inquisition in Rome condemned Galileo Galilei to spend the remainder of his days under house arrest for the heresy of teaching that the Earth revolves around the sun, has an Italian court been so wrong about science. Today, a court in the...

John Kerry = Inside Trader and Profiteer

Another oldie but goodie: For years, Kerry has invested millions in a number of green energy companies that have benefitted from the president’s efforts to aggressively subsidize the industry with taxpayer dollars. These companies include Exelon, which received a $646...

Climate Alarmist Says Burn Down Skeptics’ Homes

Climate Alarmist Calls For Burning Down Skeptics’ Homes “Let’s start keeping track of them…let’s make them pay” via  Infowars. Really?! Ya, really! “We know who the active denialists are – not the people who buy the lies, mind you, but the people who create the lies....