Race and the Media

The number one post (in terms of views) on this blog thus far has been the story about the boy from Kansas City, who happened to be white, and was walking along and set on fire by two other kids, who happen to be black. This story came up again in the comments on a...

Ayers Family Put ‘Foreigner’ Obama Through School

Hulton says that in conversations with Mary Ayers while on his route he learned of the couple’s enthusiasm and support for a black foreign student. One bright, warm Chicagoland day, he recounts, he met the student who fit Mary Ayers’ description in front of the Ayers...

Bizarre News Day

Here’s some of the stories on the home page at Fox News this evening: Targeted Killing in US? Mueller Mum: FBI Director Robert Mueller, when pressed at agency budget hearing, says he has to check with Justice Department whether Eric Holder’s criteria for...

Limbaugh, Fluke, Maher… now + Romney

While slamming Mitt Romney for not standing up to the “strident voices” on his side, a top Obama advisor is planning to spend some quality time with one on his own, The Daily has learned. David Axelrod, President Obama’s senior campaign strategist, is scheduled...

Limbaugh, Fluke, Maher, & the Media

Much has been written about the recent dust-up between Limbaugh & Fluke and the former’s inappropriate comments about the latter.  Today Rush spent some time on his show perhaps grandstanding, perhaps clearing the air about the status of his advertisers. And...