The Unemployment Farce: Only 42% of People Working

Worst news ever!! The number of Americans whom the U.S. Department of Labor counted as “not in the civilian labor force” in August hit a record high of 88,921,000.  … In July, there were 155,013,000 in the U.S. civilian labor force. In August that dropped to...

You’re Being Watched by Your Government

Back in July I wrote about how your government was utilizing all kinds of technology to spy on you.  At the time it appeared to just be speculation; now we know it to be true. Part I The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is suing the Justice Department for details...

Thoughts on Colorado – Freedom vs. Safety

This is was written as a comment on this NYT piece.  I’ve made it much longer here because the NYT limits space. — Restricting access to firearms will never stop these kinds of attacks.  As a society we need to resolve ourselves that some people are crazy...

St. Charles School Group Hates Class Rankings

Members of the St. Charles District 303 school community want to eliminate class rank at the high schools and expand foreign language and technology offerings at all levels, according to a report released Monday. The information was compiled from several community...