Illinois Never Met a Tax it Didn’t Like: Sneakers? Really?

The cost of a new pair of basketball shoes could jump by 25 cents under a proposal floated this week by an Illinois lawmaker. State Rep. Will Davis, D-Hazel Crest, wants to create a new tax that would generate an estimated $3 million annually for a youth job...

Wanna See Our Future?

Hundreds of people jostled for free vegetables handed out by farmers in a symbolic protest earlier on Wednesday, trampling one man and prompting an outcry over the growing desperation created by economic crisis. Images of people struggling to seize bags of tomatoes...

Quinn’s Motto: Move Your Business Out

Today’s Local Bad News: Illinois companies warned in January that they may lay off as many as 1,200 workers in the next two months, according to filings with the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. viaChicago Tribune. The economy sucks and...

Lincoln Quote

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. You cannot further the brotherhood of...

Crain’s Propaganda on Illinois vs. Indiana

My comment on a brainless story: Since when is Crain’s the new PR mouthpiece for Quinn and Rahm? Except for the graphic this piece is nearly 100% opinion. So Indiana spent $300k on a campaign and got 20 or so companies to move. Those companies may provide...