She said: ‘When I was first diagnosed with MS and my husband was taking care of me, he discovered rotisserie chicken.

‘Rotisserie chicken is every cooks best friend,’ she said. ‘You want to buy it at the end of your shopping so it doesn’t heat up the food that’s in the rest of your basket.’

via Daily Mail Online.

Again, the UK press.

Why is no American journalist carrying this story or anything similar?


When Ann wore a stunning red Oscar de la Renta to the RNC, there was not a peep from his PR team, while we received several notices about Michelle’s DNC wardrobe from Tracey Reese and Laura Smalls respectively. When Romney wore a printed Diane von Furstenberg wrap dress, DVF’s PR team not only ignored it, but effectively distanced themselves from her saying they were “not quite sure how she obtained the dress.

The U.S. media is actively ignoring Ann Romney.

Someone try to tell me there is no media bias.