Well over 100 educators will eventually face state disciplinary charges for cheating that could lead to the revocation of their professional certificates, Tomalis said. But that could take years, and the results of state disciplinary board hearings in Harrisburg would...
Huge Increase in Warrantless Electronic Surveillance
Pen register and trap and trace devices now generally refer to the surveillance of information about—rather than the contents of—communications. Pen registers capture outgoing data, while trap and trace devices capture incoming data. This still includes the phone...
Pete’s Update – 09/27/2012
A couple of new things to report on the situation with Pete's Fresh Market. As most readers know, the story has now made the local papers and WGN TV News. Here's what's new -- and what you won't read in those papers: #1 My original story stated that "the ring-leader...
Corruption “Widespread” in Illinois
A new poll finds that a whopping majority of state residents believe that not only state government but Illinois business is plagued by serious misconduct. According to the survey of 1,271 registered voters by the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern...