When schoolchildren start paying union dues, that’s when I’ll start representing the interests of school children. -- Albert Shanker, former president of the United Federation of Teachers I wrote about this before, how the truth is that CTU, WEAC, and all other...
U.S. Department of Education: 79% of Chicago 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading
Seventy-nine percent of the 8th graders in the Chicago Public Schools are not grade-level proficient in reading, according to the U.S. Department of Education, and 80 percent are not grade-level proficient in math. via CNS News. Very... very... sad. Teachers make over...
Chicago Teachers Union: It’s About Children Greed
According to the Chicago Tribune key issues separating Chicago Public Schools and the Chicago Teachers Union: SALARIES AND BENEFITS. The district offered 16 percent increase over four years and "modified step increases that both reward experience and provide better...
St. Charles School Group Hates Class Rankings
Members of the St. Charles District 303 school community want to eliminate class rank at the high schools and expand foreign language and technology offerings at all levels, according to a report released Monday. The information was compiled from several community...