Regular Guy Schools Politicians on Gun Control

“The Constitution does not guarantee public safety.  It guarantees liberty.” [youtube] This guy is famous and he don’t even know it.

It’s Big Brother Day

Just plain too damn spooky for all this to hit in the same day.  If you’re not weirded out… you should be Let’s start with the CIA keeping track of EVERYTHING you do. Discussing the goldmine of data that today’s technology has created, the Central...

Sugary Drinks Kill 25k per Year in the U.S. Alone

Consumption of soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages may contribute to hundreds of thousands of deaths around the world, mainly due to Type 2 diabetes, a new study says. The results show sugar-sweetened beverage consumption is linked to 180,000 deaths a year...

Black Leaders Oppose Gun Control

[youtube] “There is a direct correlation between Gun Control and Black People Control.” “Black Codes to deny the Second Amendment to recently freed slaves.” “When they take our guns is when they...

Conservative Black Chick Launches Super-PAC

The first blacks elected to Congress after the Civil War were Republicans. Rev. Hiram Rhodes Revels was the the first black Senator elected and his peer Joseph Hayne Rainey was the first black elected to the House of Representatives. I’m excited to see the creation of...