
Emanuel Plans Changes to City’s Gun Law

A few days ago... Mayor Rahm Emanuel wants to rewrite Chicago's firearm ordinance in response to a ruling by a federal judge who struck down a section of the city's law he called vague and unconstitutional.  ... Last week, U.S. District Judge Samuel Der-Yeghiayan...

Fighting Crime The Chicago Way!

CeaseFire Illinois, a group that works against violence, is being recruited by the city of Chicago as part of a pilot program to help reduce crime in two police districts, one on the West Side and the other on the South Side.  ... The city will give the group a...

Chicago’s Suburbs Corrupt Too

A former Chicago alderman is pushing for the creation of a suburban inspector general’s office to thwart corruption in the 1,200-plus government agencies spread throughout the suburban landscape. In a report released Monday, Dick Simpson, a former alderman and current...

Obama Campaign Shuts Down Website

Hagmann, CEO of Hagmann Investigative Services, Inc., a private investigative agency serving a roster of Fortune 500 clients, was given 48 hours by GoDaddy to find a new home for his website before it was deleted. Hagmann was told the reason for the shut down was...