Conservative Black Chick Launches Super-PAC

by | Mar 14, 2013 | Crime, Education, Law, Politics

The first blacks elected to Congress after the Civil War were Republicans. Rev. Hiram Rhodes Revels was the the first black Senator elected and his peer Joseph Hayne Rainey was the first black elected to the House of Representatives. I’m excited to see the creation of the Conservative Melting Pot PAC, which not only will help grow the GOP by supporting more minority conservative candidates running for office but also remind Americans of the Republican Party’s rich history of inclusion and fighting for civil rights.
~ Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)

The Conservative Melting Pot PAC, founded by conservative blogger Crystal Wright , is dedicated to supporting diverse candidates who embody the conservative principles of limited government, personal success and American exceptionalism.

“After Mitt Romney lost the 2012 election because of his inability to appeal to the growing ranks of minority voters in America, it was clear the time for talking was over,” said Crystal Wright , editor of the blog Conservative Black Chick.

via Hip Hop Republican.

This is good news.  The only hope this country has is to show the black community that 60 years of modern liberalism have done nothing but destroy black families, fail to educate their children, and lock up 10% of their community as part of the failed war on drugs.

The question is whether black folks will come along.


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