Thoughts & Musings
Milton Freedman on Social Justice
When you aim for equality A and B decide what C shall do for D. Except they take a little bit of a commission along the way. [youtube] Hat tip to TheTamminator // Hillbuzz
Animal Farm
This is Squealer right after they send Boxer off to the glue mill:"It was the most affecting sight I have ever seen!" said Squealer, lifting his trotter and wiping away a tear. "I was at his bedside at the very last. And at the end, almost too weak to speak, he...
Gov. Regulation Run Amok: 6,125 New Regs. in 90 Days
It’s Friday morning, and so far today, the Obama administration has posted 165 new regulations and notifications on its website. In the past 90 days, it has posted 6,125 regulations and notices – an average of 68 a day. via Shear insanity....
US Guns Sales Booming
Mel Bernstein, owner of Dragonman Arms in Colorado Springs, told KOAA-TV that sales of semi-automatic weapons had boomed in recent days. He said: "We're going from normally six to eight guns a day, to 25. I stocked up, I got a stockpile of these AK-47s, we're selling...
Hyatt Chairman Pritzker To Work in Iraq
Thomas Pritzker, patriarch of Chicago's richest family and executive chairman of Hyatt Hotels Corp., is starting to do business in Iraq. A venture he co-founded to chase deals in the war-torn country and other parts of the Middle East announced its first project last...
United Continental Returns TIF Money
United Continental Holdings, parent of United Airlines, is giving back $5.6 million in City of Chicago tax incentives. The incentive money is tied to United's 2007 move to its corporate headquarters at 77 W. Wacker Drive, along the Chicago River. Because of United's...
Valerie Jarrett Says:
After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to...
Islam in U.S. Schools – Brigitte Gabriel
Companies Closing or Laying-off Since Obama Won
An incredible complication of stories over at Here's a partial list of layoffs announced since the election: Energizer - laying off 1,500 employees Exide Technologies - laying off 150 employees Westinghouse - laid off another 50 employees Research in...
IL Voters in 10 counties Want Concealed Carry
Residents in some Illinois counties sent a message to lawmakers this week: Give citizens the right to carry concealed weapons. Measures supporting concealed carry were on the ballot Tuesday in at least 10 mostly rural counties — Adams, Bond, Henry, McDonough, Mercer,...
NYT: Tax Increases Coming (Two Months Late)
Americans’ taxes will rise in a few weeks. Though the direction is clear, the exact amount is yet to be determined. More than a dozen tax cuts are set to expire Dec. 31 and a couple of new taxes are scheduled to start with the new year. Combined, they would affect...
Eat, Drink, & Be Merry For Tomorrow We Die
Back on Monday I had a fairly lengthy email exchange with a colleague. In addition to a prediction of the race he wanted something a little more down the trough so to speak. I told him that if Obama won it would be the beginning of the end of our beloved U.S of A. I...
Craigslist Ads Seek Election Night Sex
As Mitt Romney and Barack Obama make one final, last-ditch effort to win the presidency, some Washington, D.C. and surrounding area folks are using Craigslist to make one last-ditch effort to find an election night companion for some adult entertainment. Here are some...
US Out Of The Top 10 In World Prosperity Index
The Legatum Prosperity Index assessed and ranked the prosperity of 142 countries based on eight sub-categories: economy, entrepreneurship and opportunity, health, governance, education, safety and security, personal freedom, and social capital. via Business Insider....
Gov. Can Plant Hidden Cameras In Your Home
This government, our government, a supposedly moderate government of Barack Obama (he has an iPad and a Spotify playlist and likes dogs and is funny on Jay Leno! He must be moderate!) is now claiming the legal right to install surveillance cameras in your home or on...
Bloomberg Turns Down National Guard Over Guns
Bloomberg has reportedly turned down additional help from the U.S. National Guard. “We don’t need it,” Bloomberg insists, despite pleas from the boroughs for back-up. “The NYPD is the only people we want on the street with guns.” via Do I have this...
Who’s Helping; Who’s Talking
Socialism Hurts the Poor
Forget FEMA, Get Walmart in There!!
In the wake of hurricane Sandy we're hearing stories of hungry New Yorkers being forced to dumpster dive for food. This is in addition to the stories of looters dressing like Con Edison workers to get access to houses, elected officials expressing their frustration...