Say “skills gap” to any manufacturer, and invariably they’ll respond with the number 600,000. That’s the gaping hole of unfilled jobs at U.S. manufacturers — for Illinois, estimates point to 30,000 unfilled jobs. The talent shortfall carries serious...
A couple of new things to report on the situation with Pete’s Fresh Market. As most readers know, the story has now made the local papers and WGN TV News. Here’s what’s new — and what you won’t read in those papers: #1 My original story...
Wal-Mart Stores said on Friday that it plans to give current workers the chance to work more hours and will hire more than 50,000 seasonal employees as it gets ready for the winter holiday season, its busiest time of year. via Fox Business. [Insert cheap joke...
Which Grads make more? Harvard University’s graduates are earning less than those from the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology after a decade-long commodity bull market created shortages of workers as well as minerals. Those leaving the [SDSMT] college of...
Shakedown in Chicago is commonplace. It’s not just at Pete’s. [youtube]