Emanuel’s Foolish TIF for Police Plan

Over the weekend Rahm Emanuel became the latest local politician to propose tapping funds from the city’s tax increment financing districts to help pay for city services. Emanuel said that if he is elected mayor he would use $25 million in TIF money to pay for 250 new...

I’m just asking…

I have sat on this idea for several days now and not having seen anything in the news inline with my thinking.  After considering the pro’s and con’s, I’m asking a relatively simple question. Last week John Kass at the Tribune wrote an interesting...

Daley, Chico Squable on Education

In a back-n-forth through the press: “This is not a personal attack on Mayor Daley,” Chico said. Daley has done a “tremendous job in this city,” Chico said, but added he would continue to “call it the way I see it.” (Full story...

Chico’s Education Plan

Just got back from Gery Chico’s presentation of his plan to revive CPS.  The 15 page plan handout can be found here if you’re interested. For those just looking for the bullet points: As the former head of the Chicago Public Schools Gery knows something...