Da Mare’s Private Road to McCormick Place

A $43 million busway built to whisk conventioneers between downtown hotels and McCormick Place has turned into “the mayor’s road” and should be opened to taxicabs in exchange for a surcharge, Ald. Robert Fioretti, 2nd said Monday. Fioretti suggested turning the...

Chicago’s New Billboard Deal All But Signed

Kudos to Alderman Bob Fioretti: A Chicago City Council committee signed off Monday on Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s latest privatization deal—even though, after nearly five hours of testimony, aldermen still didn’t quite know how it added up for taxpayers, what its...

Pete’s Update – 09/27/2012

A couple of new things to report on the situation with Pete’s Fresh Market. As most readers know, the story has now made the local papers and WGN TV News.  Here’s what’s new — and what you won’t read in those papers: #1 My original story...

Pete’s Fresh Market — Update 09/19

Reliable sources inform me that Pete’s and people from the city are sitting down and trying to work out a deal to restart construction. Reliable sources also have confirmed the facts of the original post. If any readers have stories of problems with any...

Shakedown on the West Side

PR — For Immediate Release SYNOPSIS:  LOCAL THUGS AND A QUESTIONABLE ALDERMAN MAY STOP CONSTRUCTION OF GROCERY STORE IN A FOOD DESERT. One of Chicago’s food deserts may not be getting a grocery store after all.  After years of wrangling, Pete’s Fresh...