Dem Governors Force Ins. Premiums Higher

Tens of thousands of homeowners who suffered wind and storm damage this week will get financial relief from rulings by several governors that insurers must treat Sandy as a tropical storm and not a hurricane.  … “Whether they call it a hurricane or something...

Dem Voter Fraud Already Begining in Ohio

Two volunteer poll workers at an Ohio voting station told Human Events that they observed van loads of Ohio residents born in Somalia — the state is home to the second-largest Somali population in the United States — being driven to the voting station and guided by...

More Dem on GOP Violence

ALTA LOMA, CA — Someone keyed the word “Obama” into two cars and slashed seats in another outside a residence that had Mitt Romney campaign signs. via CBS Los Angeles. But wait, that’s not all you get: Racine, WI — Before the event could get under...

An Intimate Photo Essay of Ann Romney

She said: ‘When I was first diagnosed with MS and my husband was taking care of me, he discovered rotisserie chicken. ‘Rotisserie chicken is every cooks best friend,’ she said. ‘You want to buy it at the end of your shopping so it doesn’t...

Obama a Real Contributor to Subprime Loan Failures

President Barack Obama was a pioneering contributor to the national subprime real estate bubble, and roughly half of the 186 African-American clients in his landmark 1995 mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank have since gone bankrupt or received foreclosure...