Pete’s — 09/25/12 Update

The Sun-Times joins the discussion: The West Side is one of Chicago’s “food deserts,” so named because it lacks full-service grocery stores. Cheers went up from people in the neighborhood when the city sealed a deal two years ago to bring one to Madison and Western....

Anti-Austerity Protests in Spain; U.S. Media Not Reporting

Police are trying to clear out the massive anti-austerity demonstration that engulfed Spain’s federal district this evening. via Business Insider. Follow the link for photos.  This is us in a few years.  There’s no other way.

Mayor Booker Gives Rahm & McCarthy an Idea

This will be “policy” in Chicago within the next 12 months. Controversial Newark, N.J. Mayor Cory Booker wants to make an offer to local drug dealers that they can’t refuse. Cory Booker and former New York Gov. David Paterson spoke Tuesday morning...

Allen West Samples a U.N. Speech

Florida Congressman Allen West had harsh criticism for Barack Obama after the President’s speech at the United Nations today. In a Facebook post Tuesday, the Tea Party favorite accused Obama of continuing to “offer up apologies instead of defending our...

Embarassing Americans — And These People Vote

I received this via email this morning.  I thought it was timely because just yesterday Howard Stern played audio of his producers in Harlem interviewing Obama supporters. There is something very very wrong with the educational system in this country whereas so many...