Dick Morris on Obama’s Motivations

There’s something too this: [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdTyUvY66Mw?rel=0] There is a similar situation going on with gun control in the states.  The argument is always”we need the federal government to control all guns because they travel from...

Gotta Love American Ingenuity (& Tax Avoidance)

So I’m reading two stories (here and here) about a new law that will effectively outlaw Roll-Your-Own tobacco stores.  It’s something I kinda follow because I always thought it was a decent business model (until the government outlaws your business) and...

More And More Americans Are Leaving

Last year, nearly 1,800 Americans surrendered their citizenship. In a nation of 300 million folks, 1,800 émigrés is hardly a rush for the exits. But the recent trend is, nevertheless, intriguing.  … Who knows the exact reason why 1,800 Americans chose to leave...

Give a Lamb a Gun

Herman Cain has a new website complete with video.  My first as so far favorite video is entitled Give a Lamb a Gun. It’s a priceless quote from Benjamin Franklin. The video is under 2 minutes… go check it out.

Less Cops = Less (Reported) Crime

In the city’s most violent districts, police officers say, they may be assigned half a dozen jobs or more—covering everything from traffic accidents to assaults—at the start of a shift. Their watches are spent racing from call to call, while anything that requires...