
I can’t believe that I have not already written a post on Compstat but I can’t find anything.  Grrrrrr!! Ok so, for those that don’t know Compstat is a system of policing accountability which originated in New York with the NYPD.  And in case you...

Emanuel Plans Changes to City’s Gun Law

A few days ago… Mayor Rahm Emanuel wants to rewrite Chicago’s firearm ordinance in response to a ruling by a federal judge who struck down a section of the city’s law he called vague and unconstitutional.  … Last week, U.S. District Judge...

Fighting Crime The Chicago Way!

CeaseFire Illinois, a group that works against violence, is being recruited by the city of Chicago as part of a pilot program to help reduce crime in two police districts, one on the West Side and the other on the South Side.  … The city will give the group a...

Chicago’s Suburbs Corrupt Too

A former Chicago alderman is pushing for the creation of a suburban inspector general’s office to thwart corruption in the 1,200-plus government agencies spread throughout the suburban landscape. In a report released Monday, Dick Simpson, a former alderman and current...

Obama Campaign Shuts Down Website

Hagmann, CEO of Hagmann Investigative Services, Inc., a private investigative agency serving a roster of Fortune 500 clients, was given 48 hours by GoDaddy to find a new home for his website before it was deleted. Hagmann was told the reason for the shut down was...