Building a New Chicago

I was skeptical of Rahm coming in as mayor.  But as time goes by I’m getting more and more impressed by his ability to take on the unions, manipulate the media, get things done, outmaneuver worthless alderman, and most importantly develop and articulate his...

WI State Rep. Wants to Repeal Castle Doctrine

Sounds to me like Rep. Tamara Grigsby is too dumb to understand the difference between the Castle Doctrine and Self Defense. While related, they are not the same. Just another Milwaukee liberal trying to make sure that a criminal has more rights than a victim.

#KillZimmerman: The Left is Silent

On March 24 a “KillZimmerman” Twitter account began publishing calls for violence against George Zimmerman, the self-appointed neighborhood watch captain who shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin on Feb. 26. Five days later, the account is still on its crusade to...

Tea Party = Peace

The Senate was about to pass a bi-partisan bill imposing tough sanctions on Iran through “unanimous consent” – that means no floor debate or discussion. But Rand Paul, Kentucky’s ‘Tea Party’ senator, objected, which immediately...

Countries Move to Isolate the U.S.

Are other countries planning for a U.S. demise? “I was in Australia earlier this month and there, as elsewhere on my recent travels, the consensus among the politicians I met (at least in private) was that Washington lacked the will for meaningful course correction,...