More Money 4 Medical Malpractice Lawyers in IL

Medical malpractice lawyers are poised to make more money after Gov. Pat Quinn quietly signed a law allowing them to collect higher fees. Doctors groups criticize the change, arguing that it will result in less money for injured patients who need it for costly health...

Bulletproof Whiteboards?

In December, George and his young son were watching the horrific details of the Sandy Hook Elementary School murders on television and when he saw the fear in his son’s eyes, his engineering brain kicked in. He said to his son, “We can fix this. We have to do...

Felons with Guns Go Free

Bail was set at $150,000 today on weapons-related charges for a Brighton Park man already on parole in an attempted murder case after beat officers saw him firing a gun near his home this week. Edgar Jasso, 29, faces charges of unlawful use of a weapon by a felon and...