British Terror Cell Wanted to Violate Sharia Law for AK-47s

A British terror cell allegedly planned to buy five AK47 assault rifles by borrowing £100,000 in loans, a court heard.  … In one conversation recorded by the police the group are discussing how to obtain weapons. Naseer said that “out there in the market: “You...

I really don’t understand all the hate. Are not those on the left supposed to accepting of everyone? Tolerance and all that? Seems to me the left is the chief preacher of hate.

CTA Scam Sucks Millions in Taxpayer Funds

It is after all the Chicago way. The CTA has potentially inflated by up to $150 million the federal taxpayer money it received since as far back as 1982 by “fraudulently over-reporting” the number of miles CTA buses travel while in service, according to a...