Forget FEMA, Get Walmart in There!!

In the wake of hurricane Sandy we’re hearing stories of hungry New Yorkers being forced to dumpster dive for food.  This is in addition to the stories of looters dressing like Con Edison workers to get access to houses, elected officials expressing their...

CPS Pays Parents for Good Behavior

Blatantly stolen from Second City Cop: Is the lure of a $25 gift card enough to persuade a parent who’s not involved in their child’s education to get involved? Seventy Chicago Public Schools that have struggled to engage parents are about to find out. At Mayor Rahm...

Intellectual Flight from China

Like hundreds of thousands of Chinese who leave each year, she was driven by an overriding sense that she could do better outside China. Despite China’s tremendous economic successes in recent years, she was lured by Australia’s healthier environment, robust social...

More Dem on GOP Violence

ALTA LOMA, CA — Someone keyed the word “Obama” into two cars and slashed seats in another outside a residence that had Mitt Romney campaign signs. via CBS Los Angeles. But wait, that’s not all you get: Racine, WI — Before the event could get under...

Teen Loses Stomach After Drinking Liquid Nitrogen

Gaby Scanlon, from Heysham, Lancashire, was celebrating her 18th birthday with friends at Oscar’s wine bar and bistro in Lancaster earlier this month when she drank two shots of the liqueur Jagermeister, which was laced with liquid nitrogen.  … It was made...