30,000 Unfilled Jobs in Illinois

Say “skills gap” to any manufacturer, and invariably they’ll respond with the number 600,000. That’s the gaping hole of unfilled jobs at U.S. manufacturers — for Illinois, estimates point to 30,000 unfilled jobs. The talent shortfall carries serious...

What Kid’s Need in Schools (that they’re not getting)

Every person in any career should spend 90 minutes in a classroom at least one time in a school year, sharing their stories and setting an example for the students,” he said. “It’s part of giving back. These kids generally don’t see enough examples of why education is...

IL Finances Heading to Social Unrest

“I think it’s going to reach a point where there’s either social disorder or bankruptcy before people will act,” he said. via Crain’s Chicago Business. Ya, that sounds about right. But let’s back-up a little.  This is a quote from a...

Italian Court Jails Scientists for Failure to Predict Earthquake

Rarely since a Catholic inquisition in Rome condemned Galileo Galilei to spend the remainder of his days under house arrest for the heresy of teaching that the Earth revolves around the sun, has an Italian court been so wrong about science. Today, a court in the...

12-year-old Girl + Shotgun > Large Bad Man

A 12-year-old girl is being hailed a hero for shooting a home intruder after she hid with a gun in the closet. Kendra St Clair, from Oklahoma, was home alone when she heard someone break in. She called her mother and asked what she should do, and her terrified mom...