Everything (the GOP does) is Racist

Or at least so says the Left.  Bill Maher is only the latest: HBO host and Obama donor Bill Maher has accused journalists like NBC’s Tom Brokaw of encouraging the birther movement by failing to label it as racist. In a blog post endorsing Chris...

Fallout of China’s One Child Policy

I’d not thought of this: … The reason Chinese savings levels are so high is the one-child policy. In most developing countries the way that people save is they have multiple children hopefully to generate a gaggle of grandchildren all of whom are trained...

How to Help Black Kids Graduate? Vouchers!

Since CTU is out on strike, this appears to be timely. Educational choice is the civil rights movement of our generation. Then look at a breathtaking new study from researchers at the Brookings Institution and Harvard University. Brookings fellow Matthew M. Chingos...

Teachers’ Unions vs. Children

When schoolchildren start paying union dues, that’s when I’ll start representing the interests of school children. — Albert Shanker, former president of the United Federation of Teachers I wrote about this before, how the truth is that CTU, WEAC, and all other...