More And More Americans Are Leaving

Last year, nearly 1,800 Americans surrendered their citizenship. In a nation of 300 million folks, 1,800 émigrés is hardly a rush for the exits. But the recent trend is, nevertheless, intriguing.  … Who knows the exact reason why 1,800 Americans chose to leave...

Muslims Attack Christians in Dearborn MI

Very bizarre behavior on the part of the young Muslims. Very bizarre behavior on the part of the local police. The whole thing is very disturbing.  I frankly don’t know what to make of it. [youtube...

Chicago’s Unreported Race War

We’ve gone national! According to a statement in the Chicago Tribune, reporting on the race of individuals involved in news events, such as mobs attacking, robbing and vandalizing, is irrelevant. A news anchor at the ABC affiliate in Chicago goes even further:...

Teens Employment Lowest Since WWII – Obama Not Helping

This article was published yesterday about the same time that Obama was in the Rose Garden making the situation worse: Fewer than 3 in 10 American teenagers now hold jobs such as running cash registers, mowing lawns or busing restaurant tables from June to August. The...

Personal Safety Demonstrated by Two Cases

Two different stories in the papers recently on the same day (April 25, 2012.) The first: For nine years the “teardrop” rapist was one of Los Angeles’ most prolific serial predators, preying on women from Melrose Avenue to Manchester Boulevard. The...