Google’s Brin: Web Faces Greatest Threat Ever

The principles of openness and universal access that underpinned the creation of the internet three decades ago are under greater threat than ever, according to Google co-founder Sergey Brin. In an interview with the Guardian, Brin warned there were “very...

‘Why Didn’t White Folks Keep Them for Themselves?’

The Chicago Teachers Union, and school employee unions in general, are pulling out all the stops to slow down a school choice and education reform movement that is bowling them over in numerous states and cities. Bold reform efforts are being pushed by the likes of...

Fostering Creativity in Education

CNN has a few articles about improving education: Blue School is on The Next List because it’s an institution championing creativity and curiosity by bringing together the best minds to encourage educational reform. In the process it’s celebrating the famous adage “Be...

Another Deadly Weekend

It started out peaceful enough.  So much so that Drudge reported, “Only 1 Dead, 5 Wounded in Chicago.” A woman was killed and four men wounded in five separate shootings between 11:30 p.m. Friday and 4 a.m. Saturday. via Chicago Tribune. It wasn’t...

Another Easter Egg Hunt Cancelled

Another traditional Easter egg hunt has fallen victim to aggressive parents, with event organizers in Macon, Ga., forced to cancel this week amid fears greedy moms and dads would become violent and trample on kids to grab eggs.  … He said that a woman was hurt...