Occupy Chicago Gets a Home

Occupy Chicago has secured a new home base to coordinate its winter activities.  The group is leasing two units on the fifth and seventh floors of Riverfront Work Lofts at 500 W. Cermak Road.  … The fifth-floor unit is nearly 3,400 square feet, while the...

Church Groups Getting Public Money

Here’s something: Faith-based groups that have become the face of community support for Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s controversial plans to lengthen the school day and close failing schools also receive millions of dollars in grants from his administration....


I found a post on Second City Cop about the madness coming this spring.  SCC was concerned that the kids were going to “live without dead time for a month in May and see what happens.”  Hardly a threat. What I found interesting was their claim that: On May...

Occupy The Courts

Now this I have a problem with: Lawyers representing about 800 Occupy Wall Street protesters arrested in the past month demand that prosecutors drop the charges. If not, they say they won’t deal and will insist on going to trial – putting pressure on the...

Residents Flee St. Louis

Does this sound familiar? St. Louis is losing residents, according to U.S. Census figures released Thursday, and the population decline goes deeper than being another blow to the proud city’s image.  The drop will mean a financial loss that could cost the already...