Climate Alarmist Says Burn Down Skeptics’ Homes

Climate Alarmist Calls For Burning Down Skeptics’ Homes “Let’s start keeping track of them…let’s make them pay” via  Infowars. Really?! Ya, really! “We know who the active denialists are – not the people who buy the lies, mind you, but the people who create the lies....

A President’s Control of Oil Prices

A new meme is carefully being inserted into society: that a president generally, and Obama specifically, cannot control oil prices.   Like all good lies there is just enough truth in this meme in order to not make it laughable.  The notion is absolutely true in the...

Energy Sec. Wanted High Gas Prices

“Somehow, we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.” — Steven Chu, President Obama’s Secretary or Energy in 2008 via POLITICO. Gas prices are exactly where Obama wants them. Billions invested in bogus and...

High Gas Prices Raise Airline Ticket Costs

“[R]ising jet fuel costs put significant cost pressure on the airline industry,” Steve Lott, vice present of communications for Airlines for America told CBSDC. “Regarding fuel, it was the airline industry’s largest expense in 2011, representing 35 percent of total...