John Kerry = Inside Trader and Profiteer

Another oldie but goodie: For years, Kerry has invested millions in a number of green energy companies that have benefitted from the president’s efforts to aggressively subsidize the industry with taxpayer dollars. These companies include Exelon, which received a $646...

Labor Force Participation Rate Lowest Since 1981

This story is actually over a month old.  It’s been sitting in the “drafts” folder.  Still just as relevant as the day it was published. In April the number of people not in the labor force rose by a whopping 522,000 from 87,897,000 to 88,419,000....

More And More Americans Are Leaving

Last year, nearly 1,800 Americans surrendered their citizenship. In a nation of 300 million folks, 1,800 émigrés is hardly a rush for the exits. But the recent trend is, nevertheless, intriguing.  … Who knows the exact reason why 1,800 Americans chose to leave...

Bankrupt Stockton Chicago

Yesterday’s news: Officials in Stockton said Tuesday that mediation with creditors has failed, meaning the Central California city is set to become the largest American city ever to declare bankruptcy.  … The river port city of 290,000 in Central...

More Bad News on the Pension Crisis

If I was Rahm I would so totally throw Daley under the bus on this issue. The debt from 10 Chicago-area pension plans swelled more than 600 percent to $27.4 billion between 2001 and 2010, according to a study released Monday by the nonpartisan Civic Federation....