Clout Boosts Ex-Police Chief $30k per Year

The Machine taking care of its own: At first blush, a pension bill adopted by the General Assembly in 2007 seemed to have a laudable goal: extending retirement benefits to local police force employees’ widows after they remarried. But buried within the legislation was...

No Tax Refund if You Owe Parking Tickets

Really? Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Wednesday referred to people and businesses with unpaid city debts as “the deadbeats and the delinquents” after winning City Council approval to intercept their state income tax refunds to collect millions of dollars.  …...

Your Water Bill Doubles For What?

God bless Ben Joravsky. All summer long, in press conferences and at public hearings, Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s budget refrain remained the same: no more accounting gimmicks and no new taxes. “We have been doing smoke and mirrors on the budget and avoided...

Illinois, the Greece of America

It all started with this story: Even though the legislature and Gov. Pat Quinn last year imposed a temporary 67 percent state income tax increase, Quinn’s office expects to have a $500 million budget deficit this year. Quinn is calling for a 9 percent cut in...