Your in Debt, Your Children are in Debt

Tribune ran a great story this week about how the city is hopelessly in debt.  The story is worth reading and can be found here; but what’s really interesting is a chart (actually a series of charts) attached to the story.  Here’s what you need to know:...

Yes Virgina, People Flee High Taxes

The results of the 2010 Census are coming in and show: First, the great engine of growth in America is not the Northeast Megalopolis, which was growing faster than average in the mid-20th century, or California, which grew lustily in the succeeding half-century. It is...

Mendoza: Advertising on City Stickers

The flip-side of Chicago’s 1.25 million city stickers would carry advertising to generate $15 million-a-year — enough to hire 100 new police officers and give motorists a modest break — under a plan proposed by the frontrunner for city clerk. State Rep. Susana Mendoza...

Media on TIF does not understand TIF

Media tries, fails to explain why TIF is so confusing: [E]ven Mr. Orr and top aides [are] unsure exactly how much money is in Chicago’s TIF coffers. … There are now 158 TIF districts in Chicago, and they generated $519 million last year, Mr. Orr said. In all,...