Benghazi Attack Organizer Mocks Obama

by | Oct 20, 2012 | Crime, Media, Politics

Five weeks after an assault on the US consulate in Benghazi left Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead, the reaction from Washington has been anything but fruitful. No elected official has yet to reveal with certainty who led the attack, and both the White House and the US State Department have at times offered entirely different explanations for the assumed motives of the assailants.  …

Mr. Obama stated, “…  I wasn’t confused about the fact that we have to hunt down whoever did it and bring them to justice. As I said during the debate, nobody is more interested in figuring this out than I am.”Even if Mr. Obama’s insistence regarding his investment in the attack is genuine, journalists with both the New York Times and Reuters may have already done a better job than all of the government agencies combined. At the same time Pres. Obama endorsed a thorough investigation into the attack, articles published by major media outlets had already accomplished as much.

On Thursday, the Times published an interview alleged to have recently occurred between one of their reporters and Ahmed Abu Khattala, described to the paper by both witnesses and Libyan authorities as a ring-leader of the September 11, 2012 assault.

When Pres. Obama told Stewart that he is still very serious about hunting down any persons with a part in the attack, the Times had already conducted a sit-down with the suspected terrorist at a “crowded luxury hotel” in Benghazi, where the paper described Khattala as nonplussed and anything but concerned about repercussions from the White House. The Libyan national Army assumingly in cahoots with the Obama administration was a “chicken,” Khattala said, and US politicians were “playing with the emotions of the American people” and “using the consulate attack just to gather votes for their elections.”

“Suspect in Libya Attack, in Plain Sight, Scoffs at U.S.,” the Times headline reads.

via RT.

This situation reminds me of when O.J. Simpson went out looking for the real killer.  He checked several golf courses throughout Florida and couldn’t find anything.

The real question is why this story has not been picked-up by the MSM, a/k/a the Ministry of Truth?  No word of this on NBC, CBS, even Fox.  What gives?

The president is clear not really all that focused on bringing this guy to justice.  That’s pretty sad.


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