A Chicago alderman once again is threatening to block Chick-fil-A from opening a restaurant in his Northwest Side ward because of the owner’s stance against gay marriage — after saying earlier that he had dropped his opposition to the fast-food outlet.

Ald. Proco “Joe” Moreno, 1st, accused Dan Cathy, president of the family-owned restaurant chain, of reneging on his company’s apparent promises to issue a statement vowing to treat people of all sexual orientations with respect and no longer allow the company to contribute to groups that oppose gay marriage.

via Chicago Tribune.

In the words of Joe Biden:  Ald. Moreno was against Chick-fil-A before he was for it.

What an idiot.  All you had to do Alderman was keep your mouth shut and you wouldn’t have any of these issues.  You wouldn’t look like a fool changing your mind every two minutes and trying to blame someone for lying to you.  Stop it.  It makes you look clueless and weak.  What are you eleven years old?