No assault weapon involved:

A man armed with an old military rifle and a handgun shot and killed three women and wounded two men in a southern Swiss village, police said Thursday.

Police shot and wounded the suspect after he threatened to also shoot officers who arrived at the scene after the shooting in the village of Daillon on Wednesday evening, said interim cantonal police chief Robert Steiner. The gunman was then arrested.

Steiner said the suspect was using a military rifle that was once standard issue in the Swiss army during the first half of the 20th century.

via Fox News.

What?  The guy was using a 60 year old rifle?  How can that be?

I mean, it couldn’t have a high-capacity mag., or a flash suppressor, or a multi-position stock.  So it would not have been banned under any “assault weapons” ban.

Is it time to admit that banning assault weapons will not work?