The following email is scheduled to go out at 5:00AM CT 02/09/2011

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I don’t like being over-dramatic but this may be one of the most important emails you’ll read this month.  Please give me 1 min of your time on two topics concerning the upcoming aldermanic race.

First Topic: Genita Robinson, the “Machine’s Candidate”

It has come to my attention that Ms. Robinson is the machine’s candidate for alderman of the second ward.  And trust me, I do not make the accusation lightly. Yesterday it was disclosed that a secretly funded organization connected to Mayor Daley just gave Ms. Robinson $10,000.  But that only tells part of the story.

After a quick review of Ms. Robinson’s campaign committee filing it turns out that of nearly $40,000 raised, $7,020 (17.8%) of it is in “not-itemized” or anonymously donated funds.  So much for transparency.

Further, of the $32,400 which was disclosed, only $1,800 (5.5%) comes from within the 2nd Ward.  In fact, nearly 5 times as much money, $9,050 (27.9%) comes from OUT OF STATE!  That’s right, Ms. Robinson raised $1,800 in the ward but $3,000 from New York state.

Additionally, the Sun-Times has reported that while Ms. Robinson was working at Chicago Public Schools she admitted knowing about “a secret list of politicians, businessmen and others with connections who were seeking to help kids win admission to the most coveted Chicago Public Schools” and did nothing about it.  This is not transparency.  This is not accountability.  This is nothing but old school Chicago politics.

Something is wrong with this picture folks.  Please educate yourselves.  Every man, woman, and child is carrying city debt equal to $10,000 per person.  We cannot afford any more machine politicians.

Second Topic:  Please Vote Sciammarella

You read that right.  I realize that I cannot win and this election is too important to be left to chance.  I’m asking that you please vote for Federico Sciammarella.  You may not know this but Federico has been working hard on educational issues and trying to bring new businesses and jobs to our ward.  Further, Federico has pledged to work with myself and several other people in the area (like David Askew) to make sure that our neighborhood gets treated fairly in the ward.

Say NO to machine politicians, please vote Sciammarella.

The machine has nearly bankrupt our city and burdened all of us, and our children, with crushing debt that will have to be repaid.  The city is stuck with onerous long-term labor contracts that call for annual raises for city workers above and beyond the rate of inflation.  We’re getting taxed to death, our housing market collapse continues, and our middle class is getting ready to flee to the suburbs.

We get the elected representatives we deserve.  We deserve the best.  Only you can make that happen.  It’s up to you.  Vote for Sciammarella.

Lastly my friends, we are all in this together.  I humbly ask that you share this information with someone else you know.  Knowledge is power; and if we work together we can take back our city from the machine that has spent our future and our children’s future.  Please pass this on to a friend.

As always, please feel free to contact me directly with any questions.

Thank you,


Jim Bosco
740 West Fulton Market
Chicago, Illinois 60661