The cost of a new pair of basketball shoes could jump by 25 cents under a proposal floated this week by an Illinois lawmaker. State Rep. Will Davis, D-Hazel Crest, wants to create a new tax that would generate an estimated $3 million annually for a youth job...
Bacteria Creates Microscopic Gold Nuggets
Among the more peculiar organisms that inhabit our Earth exists a bacterium that turns water-soluble gold into microscopic nuggets of solid gold, scientists said Sunday. ... The answer, suggest researchers in Canada, lies in a molecule excreted by the microbe that...
Red-Light Camera Co.’s Chicago Corruption
The chairman of the Australian company behind Chicago's red-light program resigned this week and trading in the company's stock was suspended amid an intensifying investigation into allegations of corruption in its Chicago contract. Redflex Holdings Ltd. announced the...
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz Writes a Letter
Letter from Senator Ted Cruz to Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Bank of America, TD Bank Group Putting folks in their place.