Say “skills gap” to any manufacturer, and invariably they'll respond with the number 600,000. That's the gaping hole of unfilled jobs at U.S. manufacturers — for Illinois, estimates point to 30,000 unfilled jobs. The talent shortfall carries serious consequences. In a...
What Kid’s Need in Schools (that they’re not getting)
Every person in any career should spend 90 minutes in a classroom at least one time in a school year, sharing their stories and setting an example for the students,” he said. “It’s part of giving back. These kids generally don’t see enough examples of why education is...
Florida’s Bigoted New Education (Union) Standards
Asian students should be the smartest, and teachers will expect the least from blacks. That’s the case in Florida, at least, where the Board of Education has agreed to pass a revised plan that outlines new academic goals for students based on race. ... Under the...
Secrets Of the College Admissions Office
1) It sucks to be a middle class white applicant. 2) East Asians can be disadvantaged too. 3) Athletes bring down the quality of the class. So do legacies, but not nearly as much. 4) Early admission is less competitive, despite what the College claims. 5) Most college...