Four years of up-to-the-limit property tax increases for Chicago homeowners and businesses. Closing scores of under-enrolled and underperforming schools. Thousands of layoffs of teachers and other school staff. More cuts to the central office. That’s what could await...
Who’s a Hero?
Shakedown on the West Side
PR -- For Immediate Release SYNOPSIS: LOCAL THUGS AND A QUESTIONABLE ALDERMAN MAY STOP CONSTRUCTION OF GROCERY STORE IN A FOOD DESERT. One of Chicago's food deserts may not be getting a grocery store after all. After years of wrangling, Pete's Fresh Market broke...
Professor Makes Class Sign “Vote for Obama” Pledge
A citizen, whose nephew attends Brevard Community College, reports that he brought home the below bookmark pledging to vote for President Obama. The bookmark and pledge was handed out during a mathematics class taught by Assistant Professor Sharon Sweet. This...