Thoughts & Musings
Illinois’ Obnoxious Cell Phones Taxes
Illinois was fifth in a ranking of extra wireless costs, the Tax Foundation said, with the user paying an average of about 21.8 percent in additional federal, state and local taxes and fees. Only callers in Nebraska, Washington, New York and Florida pay more. via...
Quinn Balks at Illinois’ Fresh Interest Rate
Gov. Pat Quinn's administration delayed Wednesday's planned sale of $500 million in construction bonds, saying a recent credit downgrade because of inaction on government worker pension reform left the market "unsettled." The decision was made after officials with the...
Lewis and Clark’s Air Rifle
An 8 minute history lesson about the power of an air rifle. [youtube]
More Money 4 Medical Malpractice Lawyers in IL
Medical malpractice lawyers are poised to make more money after Gov. Pat Quinn quietly signed a law allowing them to collect higher fees. Doctors groups criticize the change, arguing that it will result in less money for injured patients who need it for costly health...
Bulletproof Whiteboards?
In December, George and his young son were watching the horrific details of the Sandy Hook Elementary School murders on television and when he saw the fear in his son’s eyes, his engineering brain kicked in. He said to his son, “We can fix this. We have to do...
Admist the Noise on Gun Crime Stats
This was released while I was on hiatus. [youtube]
Obama Achievements
Not good.
Felons with Guns Go Free
Bail was set at $150,000 today on weapons-related charges for a Brighton Park man already on parole in an attempted murder case after beat officers saw him firing a gun near his home this week. Edgar Jasso, 29, faces charges of unlawful use of a weapon by a felon and...
Most Shooters In Chicago Never Face Charges
Last year, gunmen who shot and wounded someone got away without criminal charges 94 percent of the time, according to a Chicago analysis of police data. That’s even worse than 2011, when 91.5 percent of shooters escaped charges, according to the data....
Milwaukee Sheriff’s Says Arm Yourself
Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. set off alarm bells Friday with a radio spot some view as a call for citizens to arm themselves. In the radio ad, Clarke tells residents personal safety isn't a spectator sport anymore, and that "I need you in the game."...
Credit Ratings for States
So I just posted the Illinois is now worse that California (those of us here could have told you that two years ago.) But I'll bet all of you have been wondering, "Well what states have good credit ratings?" Yes, yes. I was wondering too. See this nice chart I...
Illinois Credit — Worst in the Nation
Illinois fell to the bottom of all 50 states in the rankings of a major credit ratings agency Friday following the failure of Gov. Pat Quinn and lawmakers to fix the state’s hemorrhaging pension system during this month’s lame-duck session. Standard & Poor’s...
France’s Richest Man Moves to Belgium
The richest man in France has officially transferred his multi-billion pound fortune out of his homeland to Belgium. Bernard Arnault, head of luxury goods group LVMH, insists he has moved his assets for ‘family inheritance reasons’. But others are convinced that the...
Truth About Bears… and People
Military Leaders Vetted to Fire on US Citizens
I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new "litmus test" in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks. "The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will...
The Bible Reveals the Name of the Anti-Christ
Ok, this is a little (more than a little) out on the ledge for me... but it was just too bizarre not to share. It's pretty short. You can make up your own minds. [youtube]
Vintage Cigarette, Weight Gain, And Gun Ads
Vintage Cigarette, Weight Gain, And Gun Ads - Business Insider.
A Few Thoughts On Gun Control « Eudaimonia
This will be detailed and thorough, and I apologize in advance for its length. I also need to clarify that I am not a statistician, lawyer, political analyst, or sociologist. I am merely curious, capable at finding information, and trained in scientific analysis. If...
Local Vet Vocal at Anti-Gun Rally
This is a local vet who had some interesting things to say to a professor who didn't think the Constitution was relevant anymore. [youtube] More to the story can be found here.
Gun Violence and Race
Chicago is home to some 2,707,120 people (U.S. Census.) We're also told that about 32.9% are black while 45% are white. That equates to about 890,642 black people and 1,218,204 white people in Chicago. So far, nothing unusual. Over at the Red Eye (a Tribune Media...