Thoughts & Musings

Two Cautionary Tales of Gun Control

The U.K. and Australia: A media frenzy coupled with an emotional campaign by parents of Dunblane resulted in the Firearms Act of 1998, which instituted a nearly complete ban on handguns. Owners of pistols were required to turn them in. The penalty for illegal...

UK Doctors’ Called For Kitchen Knife Ban

Yes, seriously. A team from West Middlesex University Hospital said violent crime is on the increase - and kitchen knives are used in as many as half of all stabbings. They argued many assaults are committed impulsively, prompted by alcohol and drugs, and a kitchen...

Armed Guards at Schools… Common

Nationwide, at least 23,000 schools — about one-third of all public schools — already had armed security on staff as of the most recent data, for the 2009-10 school year, and a number of states and districts that do not use them have begun discussing the idea in...

446 School Age Children Shot in Chicago

MSM Silent: In Chicago, there have been 446 school age children shot in leftist utopia run by Rahm Emanuel and that produced Obama, Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, etc. 62 school aged children have actually been killed by crazed nuts in Chicago so far this year with...

Getting Serious About School Security

Treat like a fire. “Come with me to the library at Columbine High School,” Grossman said. “The teacher in the library at Columbine High School spent her professional lifetime preparing for a fire, and we can all agree if there had been a fire in that library, that...

Gun Background Checks Jump in Illinois

Illinois State Police information provided to The Associated Press shows that 12,557 checks were conducted through the state's Firearms Transfer Inquiry Program between Friday and Tuesday. There were 6,870 checks during she same period a year earlier. via Chicago...

Teamsters Dis American Flag

A photo depicting what appears to be the Teamsters Union flag improperly flying above the American flag outside the union’s D.C. headquarters on Tuesday was sent to TheBlaze, and the story of how a Marine veteran who tried to bring it to the group’s attention was...

Woman Attacked With Human Feces Filled Sock

A woman riding the Chicago Transit Authority's Blue Line in Oak Park told police she was last week attacked by another passenger wielding a sock filled with human feces. "He had a sock full of his poop on me," the 21-year-old college student told the Pioneer Press....

GM Exit Strategy: Taxpayers Eat Billions

The Obama administration said Wednesday it will sell 200 million shares — or 40 percent of its remaining stake in General Motors Co. — back to the automaker and announced plans to completely exit the Detroit automaker by March 2014. The Detroit automaker said it will...

U.S., Iran, Syria, Libya & the Petrodollar

There’s been a lot of conflict in the Middle East. And most of it has to do with the petrodollar. Take Iran, for example. The country is undergoing a bout of hyperinflation. This came about because of the pressing sanctions the West placed on Iran. But it’s not the...

Pearl High School Shooting: Oct. 1, 1997

I am not insane, I am angry.  I am a cross dresser.  I killed because people like me are mistreated every day.  I did this to show society, push us and we will push back. ... All throughout my life, I was ridiculed, always beaten, always hated.  Can you, society,...

Newton CT – Day 3

I wrote something short on the Facebook page of an old friend who called for more "gun control."  He wrote back.  I wrote this response.   I actually live on the "West Side" near [omitted.]  My first comment on the Newton matter was to wonder why the events in...

On Newton CT

I wrote this as a comment on the Chicago Tribune story: While our hearts and prayers go out to the people of Newton CT the sad reality is that 18 children and 6 adults killed is what we in Chicago call the "Second and Third Week in July" every year. Where is our...

CPD Cop Shoots Puppy; His Buddies Intimade Witnesses

While FOX 32's Larry Yellen was interviewing the dog's owners, two police officers drove by the home. 90 minutes later, they came back, asked why Phillips why he had contacted the media and gave him a ticket for not keeping Colonel [the puppy] on a leash. via FOX 32...

Iraqi Refugee Bombs AZ Social Security Office

On Friday morning, an Iraqi refugee used an improvised explosive device IED to bomb a Social Security office in Casa Grande AZ -- the mainstream media remains silent. via Brietbart. Interesting.

Senate Rejects United Nations Treaty, Will Do So Again

A United Nations treaty to ban discrimination against people with disabilities went down to defeat in the Senate on Tuesday in a 61-38 vote. The treaty backed by President Obama and former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole (R-Kansas) fell 5 votes short of the two-thirds...